04 June 2009

Morning Drama

"Mama!  Help!  There's a giant grasshopper blocking the door!"
After momentarily thinking about leaving the "grasshopper" there,
I do come to the rescue.
Turns out, it's a KATYdid.  I love katydids.
Today's biology lesson.  Check.


  1. You know I would have done the same thing they did. Scream.

  2. It's a good thing KATY did what she did.

    I like katydids also.

  3. I like the mini mint green picket fence.

  4. I love Katydids too. For you, it's probably the name. For me, it's the leaf-wings, and the cool green color.

  5. dear, sweet Katy. i heart your blog! i did end up finally posting about Dinah's birth story. it's much too long, but i just couldn't see condensing it (it's not one of those things you can condense).

  6. hi katy:
    there is a neat shop in petaluma (north of s.f.) that also has a website maudeshop.com. i thought you might like to see what they do/have/make/sell in terms of children's clothes. very simple, natural fibers 'rare finds" as they say. the shop feels almost european. they've recently moved from a 2nd floor loft space to street level. i'd like to see their new space. tell me what you think. cousin diedre

  7. I like the green bowl and the cuties in swimsuits!

  8. Great photos, great rescue, and great lesson!


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