15 September 2008

Santa Came Early

We received a visit from a woman the girls adore.  But, just in case there was any doubt in their minds (about their adoration), she sealed the deal yesterday with (3 of) the above gifts.  I assured her that these dresses would be loved and loved with more loving on top, then passed to the next princess in line for throne and be loved some more.  Thank you Susie, the fairest of them all.


  1. KATY, as the queen mother, your kingdom is a wonderful safe place to be. A fairyland beyond compare.

    Susan is delightful and so thoughtful, someone who gives with no desire tor recognition or praise.


  2. Who is this fairy godmother, Susie?
    Even Pearl is cracking a smile?

  3. Looks like they are set for Halloween! Cute!

  4. Susie is a woman in our ward whom ALL the kids in the ward love.

  5. katy! hilarious! how did i not see this photo?


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