This is the first of many (I hope) Valentine's I will receive from my children. Divine's creative inspiration produced this little gem-simply made of craft styro-foam, tape, and a Necco heart. I love that about Divine. She is able to create without looking in a Martha Stewart Magazine. She takes what she has within her reach (no running to Michael's Craft store), and CREATES. Her creations will no doubt become more complex and sophisticated, but that doesn't mean there is any less creativity present. I love her confidence--something that the world will desire to suppress and eventually diminish, if she lets it. We all have this ability within, some a bit rusty from lack of use, but there nonetheless. I see the spectrum of creativity in my family--My parents, artists by trade, are constantly creating in everything they do. My dad not only creates artwork, but creates beauty with his green thumb. I've always thought that when he is able to create his own world, watch out! We will all want to visit his solar system! My mom's creativity is a perfect compliment to my dad's. Although she creates her own artwork of various forms, she creates a home where peace and love abound--something I try to REcreate each day in my own home. Ashley creates out of most anything put before her. We always laugh when she sees something not utilized and asks, "What can we do with this?....." Jordan creates with her words and her desire to beautify her surroundings. Read her blog and you'll enjoy the fruits of her creation: http://my-angle.blogspot.com. Jacob melds form and function in his creations of furniture and other useful products. Ann sews beautiful articles of clothing, but right now is doing more divine creating of planting gospel seeds in Ecuador. Ben loves to create culinary cravings, but he also has a very unique gift of creating calm. He is one of the gentlest souls I know. We've also been blessed to have Ryan join our family to share and teach his ability to create communication. I certainly needed him for that gift (among others, of course). Brian, Ashley's yang, creates a voice of reason and frugality (once again a very needed voice in a family so full of romantic minded people!) Craig is creating healthy souls among us, using his ability to heal. Megan, most recent of our new family members, creates awe inspiring clothing design to add to this mix.
What is your creative outlet?
Oh, my sweet Katy, is there anything you are not wonderful at?
ReplyDeleteHow beautifully you express you love and words. What a blessing that by marriage and great and beautiful family has been added to my life.
I've been wanting to write a post about creativity for awhile now. You said it well. I think all too often we mistake copying ideas out of magazines, etc. as creativity...it is good to dig down deeper and pull out those ideas from you own self. You are good at that. You should post pictures of the dresses you've created for those girls! Great post, glad your "up and running"!
ReplyDeleteJordan, I want to see more of YOUR creations. My camera cable is still packed as well as all their clothes--except a couple of dresses--so perhaps down the road.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely guilty of the looking at magazines, copying kind of creating (which I why I don't really think of myself as creative). From what I have heard of your parents, they sound fascinating. First Jordan, now you. I love that your children create with whatever they find. A whole family of creative geniuses!
ReplyDeletep.s. found you through Jordan's blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful sentiments. I do wish you were close so we could create together--I think we would make a great team!
I love the ring--a treasue for sure.